Ok that sounds horribly pessimistic when here I am sprouting out optomism to anyone in a 5 feet ratio.. that aside, i do have hope for this new year such, as more fitness ( i actually shame in saying this knowing how very cliche this sounds. but nontheless the membership was bought and I actually just took a 4 hour nap instead of going to the gym today) more work opportunity.. hahahha im in italy lets see how that will work out and well .. we shall see. Life overall is good, Im happy doing what Im doing and im lucky to have a great man in my life who is always there to mame me laugh and pasta.
what i have seen so far in 2009
1. on my way to work gypsies smoking in a dumpster while dumpster diving, hazerdous much?
2. my inability to cut out "napping"
3. rocky relationships ( not mine but many around me ..yikes..
4. the crazy guy on the bus that I take who like to say hi to the ticket machine, a pole, not anyone ON the bus..
so whats been up..
work , sleep, its cold so more sleep, food. sleep , movies.
besides that I do partake in the occasional night out with nice people I have met here. We really should start a club for us here in Florence trying to survive the cold and radiators that dont work. That said we all went out the other night for the birthday of one of my friends here and like usual decided on aperativo first and then bar. I was kinda tired from work but I went along and brought my italian and all was peachy..until
so said friend had a friend that I will just refer to as douchebag. Why hold back? Hes Italian but unlike the many wonderful Italians I have met including my boyfriend and his friends who are nothing but nice and respectful, douchebag resembles a cocky american guy at times who probably got peed on at least one time in his life. Sure of himself, got the swagger, the floppy hair, hes not short which already gains him points in Italy.. not bad looking but not my type being that he is a douchebag. I tried to give him the benefit of doubt about his personality because maybe Im too harsh a critic. But once again, we go out , he meets up and starts to rail on Americans and blah blah , just basically vomit of the mouth. He doesnt speak english well but luckily? i understand him and his snarky comments to his friend and I was thinking at the time. I have been known to complain about Italy in front of friends ( not italian except my boyfriend) , and I actually feel guilty about it later because Italy is a wonderful country and I have a great time here, I can grumpy too but I would never spend an hour with friends shitting all over a country that I had friends from sitting at that table, the funny thing is .. he had NEVER even been there! NOT ONCE! or his snarky unattractive friend.
what ???? and i said in Italian, how could you have such definite opinions about somewhere you have never been? I dont claim to know hw the people of India work, eat, act, resemble because I have never been there and even though I have read up on it.. I have no place to come off that arrogant as douchebag came off as to at least me. HE of course says during the convo.. " oh why do u get so offended" but honestly... i wasnt offended until he said Why are you offended. When did having a different opinion than someone make you offended? Its called not agreeing ( which i think douchebag wasnt used to) and its not as if i was yelling so I was a bit confused at his statement.
and then he says to Tommaso " i have to give your girlfriend a kiss so know i dont want her to be offended"
um what?? Are we in 18th century france at the high court of the queen? Um I am perfectly able to have a conversation with someone and have my own opinions without getting so worked up to need to be kissed ( ugh) by him! does that make it all better ? hmm? oh please!
I don't care when someone says something negative about America, i do all the time! I dont live in America anymore! There are plenty of things to say! but he wasnt giving a thoughful insight regarding differences of culture.. especially when I have a degree in Political science and I enjoy having discussions.. he was just saying that americans are all hicks from the midwest and blah blah. i dont want to give douchebag an encour.
call me harsh but I dont think its funny or normal to bring up these sort of "my country is better than your country " during time with friends. I dont know.. maybe for them its ok, but what I learned from that is.. I am going to watch MY mouth and not get into arguments with people that arent worth me mentally translating from english to italian. Especially when they do that to get a rise out of you , as my boyfriend put it.
I told my boyfrind at dinner the next day.. I cant wait until I am mature enough to just "let it go" and not say anything but Im not yet.. and I dont want to be. I would rather just look douchebag in the eyes and speak in HIS language and destroy his meaningless dribble that he wants everything to believe, because with opinions like douchebag.. ( who by the way has a laugh like nails on a chalkboard) who obviously is a "guys guy" which means he thinks hes intellectually superior .. he is looking for reaffirmation of HIs thoughts instead of a normal conversation about different viewpoints.
Maybe its the pepperoncino I eat here or passion that is erupted in me in this country but part of me wanted to tell him " shut up, you talk to much " and punch him in the face, and I am not a violent person. but no i just went home with my boyfriend so I didnt have to see him overly gelled hair and his smirk anymore.. Ive decided thats the route to take from now on.. because needless to say I want to spend my free time with people I actually LIKE!
toast to 2009!!!!!!!! and my new resolution . see above..
moral of the story: shut the F*** up douchebag
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